Individual Leadership

New initiatives for unprecedented results

- Generate unprecedented results within their current or future responsibilities,
- Understand and overcome their obstacles to performance,
- Put their potential into action through changing their relationship to: time, energy, others, themselves, circumstances and commitments.
This workshop is designed for a group of 8 to 12 executives, one per company. It is composed of three distinct parts: two residential workshops linked together by a period of personalized operational support. Each executive comes to the workshop with a significant challenge, a commitment to concrete results, and a desire to explore new ways of being.
- Decisional and relational mapping, prioritization, planning,
- Energy and Results framework, keys to a change in relationship, implementation,
- Ecosystem assessment, driving forces – desire – assets – fears – actions, issue tracking,
- Alignment, Mission- « value chain » – operating mode, implementation,
- Differentiation action- vocation, operational actuation in a BOARD mode, etc.
- Vision and short and medium-term priorities framework, planning, start-up,
- Practice, role-playing games for real situations and issues.
The topic is “Create new possibilities”. Participants are invited to explore leadership thru unusual domains as those suggested by Arts and Martial Arts and Egyptian antique arts. Aiming at concrete results, each participant develops new leadership. The experience is about changing point of view, distance, timing and relationships with: others, things, one self. Motivated by his own discoveries, the participant commits in his new project in a new way of being.
Other workshops:
Team Leadership Individual Performance Change Management Key Account Management Business Leadership