Individual Performance

Succeeding with its own levers – 15h over 3 months

- Generate unprecedented results ($, %, time, °, etc.) in operational and behavioral,
- Understand and overcome obstacles to performance, generate energy differently rather than wasting it,
- Transform impatience, stress, reticence, in a new way of being for success,
- Look and act differently, in relation to time, to others, to things and to oneself,
- Inspire others differently; generate an obvious and natural performance.
Top executives in charge of a company, of a business unit, of a project, starting at a new position, taking part of a major change (vision, strategy, process, organization), searching for a new momentum, creating a new business unit, a company:
- Exposed to concrete and significant challenges,
- Motivated by the idea of working and directing differently, within the current constraints and assets,
- Driven by a genuine desire to share with a third party in an individual coaching mode.
- Create and implement a major change initiative, its operation and its management,
- Adjust decision-making bodies, governance and operating mode…,
- Communicate efficiently with Shareholders, Customers, Teams, etc.,
- Develop reliable personal benchmarks, align choices, actions, communication,
- Motivate and unify resources about a common and shared vision, and an operational roadmap,
- Develop vision and values rigor, creativity and business agility,
- Create a context, assign suitable roles, generate useful and meaningful results for each actor,
- Develop operational efficiency, service excellence and proper rhythm.
Framed by the intentions and punctuated by operational reality:
- Decisional and relational mapping, prioritization, planning,
- Energy and Results Matrix, relationship change keys, implementation,
- Ecosystem sensing, assessment of the driving forces – desire – assets – fears – acts – challenges,
- Alignment of Mission vs. “value chain” vs. operating mode, implementation,
- Discernment of Act vs. Vocation, embodiment of vocation in day-to-day meetings, hiring, relationships, etc.
- Short and mid-term success vision, prioritization matrix, planning, implementation,
- Practice, role-playing games for real situations and issues.
Other workshops:
Team Leadership Individual Leadership Change Management Key Account Management Business Leadership